Lets take time to focus on Summer SELF CARE...

Welcome to the EMST Newsletter - shaking things up a bit with a new design and a different focus to get us in the mood for Summer with some thoughts on Self-Care. What's inspired this? I hear you ask....
Well, I've realised over the last few months that to offer the best service to you, my clients, I need to look after myself. So here's what has worked for me - I hope that you can take some inspo from my suggestions.
I was lucky enough to find THE most amazing Women-Focussed Coach at a time when I needed support and strategies to improve my work-life balance and relationships. Joy has been a life-saver. I felt consistently heard and held through the process and have an arsenal of strategies to keep me going.
Joy is currently offereing a FREE 'Calm The Chaos' Strategy Session:
"A strategy session for women drowning in demands. It's 1-1 with Joy, certified womens empowerment coach. You'll come away with new clarity, focus and energy for getting back in control."
Do mention EMST when you chat to Joy - 100% recommend!
I know, I know...bit of an obvious one however, for the first time, in a long, time, I attended a Sound Baths by @yoursoundguide. I'd forgotten how good it is to be on the receiving end!! I had deep relaxation and some crazy visions. I love hearing your experiences after my Sound Baths - keep sharing these with me!
I was inspired to create a new series based on emotional intent. For all events coming up - look 'n' book here:

Oooh, who doesn't love a good pamper? Couple of bits for this one:
I love a good Face/Body product however I'm a stickler for cruelty-free and the provenance of what I use. So imagine my delight when I discovered @blue_labelle_skincare - handmade products right here in Ventnor! Pascale makes all of her own products and they are delicious...and SO good. Check out her range online and on FB/Insta. And pop into her gorgeous shop in Ventnor. Mention me when you see her - she'll be so chuffed.
Sound Massage
Back to me....😆 Did you know I offer 121 Private Sound appointments which incorporate Voice Analysis and a Sound Massage using Singing Bowls on the body? It's a deeply relaxing and restorative experience - don't take my word for it - check out the Testimonials!
If you'd like a little taster of what it's like, come and see me at Haylands Farm on the 29th June as part of the @islehealfayres event. I'm offering a free Voice Analysis to anyone who pre-books a session. Email me on mel.burrows@echometherapy.co.uk or click the link below to find out more about my Private 121 Work.

That's it from me. I hope you've found this useful. I'd love to hear how you are self-caring too!
Hope to welcome you to an event soon. Much love, Mel x